The district of Mersing in Johor serves as the main gateway for ecotourism, coastal and island tourism to both foreign and domestic tourists. This niche tourism destination has become a vital engine of growth.
Employing the ‘Rainforest to Reef’ (R2R) concept, the development of Mersing’s tourism industry is aligned with its ‘Naturally Splendid’ Regional Branding that leverages on the district’s rich agriculture and marine-based resources.
Several catalytic tourism projects will further boost economic development in Mersing, including the Mersing Harbour Centre development, Medan Ikan Bakar Endau, Tanjung Penyabong Waterfront, upgrading of roads leading to Taman Negara Johor Endau-Rompin (TNJER), and the construction and upgrade of public facilities such as jetties and walkways at the Mersing islands.

Projects & Programmes
Completed Projects / Programmes
- Tanjung Penyabong Waterfront
- Mersing Harbour Centre (MHC)
- Medan Ikan Bakar Endau, Mersing
- Mersing Islands Tourism: Pulau Besar, Pulau Sibu, Pulau Tinggi and Pulau Aur
Upgrading of Infrastructure and Tourist Facilities - Taman Negara Johor Endau-Rompin (TNJER)
Road Upgrading from Sg. Emas-Kg. Peta (Northern Package)
Projects / Programmes In Progress
- Mersing Islands Tourism:
Pulau Besar – Construction of Pusat Informasi & Perkhidmatan Taman Laut Sultan Iskandar (PIPTLSI) and Pulau Pemanggil – Construction of Jetty - Kampungstay Air Papan Tourism Development at Teluk Buih
- Endau-Mersing Fish Processing Park
- Jemaluang Dairy Valley
- Taman Negara Johor Endau-Rompin (TNJER)
Construction of ‘Peta Rainforest Discovery Centre’ and associated facilities - Human Capital Development Programme
empower ECER, entrepreneur ECER, ECER Talent Enhancement Programme (ETEP)