Value-Added Skills Training to Meet Industry Demand

Under the ECER Master Plan 2.0 (EMP2.0), the Region is shifting towards a productivity-led model of economic growth, with emphasis on high value-added and technology-intensive investments driven by Industry 4.0 (I4.0). With this shift towards I4.0, the development of human capital is even more crucial.

Realising the importance of having a strong pool of skilled workforce in making the transition towards a productivity-driven economy, ECERDC has enhanced its human capital development programmes to empower the rakyat with market-relevant skills to keep abreast of the industries’ talent needs in the Region.

Empowering the Rakyat for I4.0 Opportunities
ECERDC is empowering local communities to capitalise on I4.0 opportunities by nurturing academic confidence and achievement of students, upskilling and talent development of graduates, and creating new jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities for the local workforce. This is done through public-private smart partnership programmes to ensure the needs of both the rakyat and industry are matched.

ECERDC is working with international partners such as TUM International GmbH (TUMInt) and a network of international I4.0 experts to develop a strong talent pool.

Through strategic ‘industry-academia-government’ initiatives and partnerships, various education, trainings and certification programmes are provided to empower them with the right skills, knowledge and mindset to embrace the new economic opportunities arising in the Region.

For more information on what ECERDC is doing to capitalize on I4.0 innovations and applications, please click here.