KUALA TERENGGANU, TERENGGANU, 1 FEBRUARY 2018: The transformation of Kuala Terengganu City Centre (KTCC) into a Heritage Waterfront City is fast taking shape, with the construction of a new road in KTCC under Package 1, stretching from KTCC Muara Utara, Seberang Takir towards Sultan Mahmud Airport being kicked-off and to be completed by April 2019.
This key InfraRakyat project is being implemented by the Federal Government through the East Coast Economic Region Development Council (ECERDC) with the Terengganu State Government as part of the overall development plan to accommodate the current and projected growth in KTCC. The new road will form an important vehicular connection to access the Muara Utara and Muara Selatan developments in KTCC, from the airport. This project in turn will significantly help to reduce traffic congestion and travel time of up to 15 minutes for the convenience of the Rakyat.
“KTCC has grown to be the preferred destination in the Region for investors and residents alike as it is an ideal location for work, play and live. This follows the successful implementation of strategic projects and infrastructure works, which have accelerated the socio-economic transformation in the area whilst retaining the distinctive cultural and heritage features of Terengganu,” said YBhg. Datuk Seri Jebasingam Issace John, Chief Executive Officer of ECERDC at the ground-breaking ceremony for this InfraRakyat project.
The ground-breaking ceremony was officiated today by YAB Dato’ Seri Haji Ahmad Razif bin Abdul Rahman, the Menteri Besar of Terengganu.
Works under Package 1 of this strategic project will involve the construction of a new 3.8 km road stretching from Jalan Ketapang Pantai to Muara Utara along the shore line. It is expected to accelerate the growth of new business and entrepreneurial opportunities along its alignment, including frontage prospects for commercial development and public open spaces.
Meanwhile, another infrastructure work that is being carried out in KTCC is the drawbridge which links KTCC’s Muara Utara and Muara Selatan. Set to be an iconic landmark in Kuala Terengganu and the first-of-its-kind in the region, the drawbridge is targeted to be completed by second quarter this year.
 At present, KTCC has attracted more than RM4.5 billion in private investments for the mixed development project consisting of a hotel, service apartment, SOHO, shopping mall and theme park across a 30.7 acres site within KTCC. Construction works for the overall project is expected to be completed by 2024, with more than 5,000 potential jobs to be created for the locals. Through these ongoing developments, the transformation in KTCC is expected to further enhance the state’s urban and coastal tourism by positioning Kuala Terengganu as one of the tourism gateways into ECER.
“Over the years, we are witnessing greater inflow of private investments and the resulting spill over benefits for the Rakyat. As we commemorate ECER’s 10th anniversary this year, we look forward to unveiling the ECER Master Plan 2.0 soon which will outline key strategies to propel Terengganu’s next leap of growth, leveraging on its key economic sectors including tourism; maintenance, repair and operations; manufacturing; bio-economy; and agribusiness,” said Datuk Seri Issace.
In ensuring the local communities will benefit from the rapid developments around KTCC, ECERDC has implemented a number of human capital development programmes in Terengganu. One of it is the Akuapolitan Kuala Nerus (AKN) programme, an integrated and holistic programme that is aimed at improving the household income, enhance the quality of life, and inculcate sustainability for local fishermen. This project involves a total development of fisheries’ value chain, from upstream to downstream fisheries activities and is expected to benefit 452 households, or nearly 2,000 locals in total, including their families.
Further to this, inclusive programmes including empower ECER and Agropolitan Besut-Setiu have helped uplift the livelihood of the B40 households in the rural areas, whilst the entrepreneur ECER and TERAJU@ECER programmes have assisted local entrepreneurs and businesses to succeed nationally and internationally. ECERDC’s partnership with private investors via the ECER Talent Enhancement Programme (ETEP) have also increased the marketability of local graduates, thereby enabling them to have better prospects in securing jobs. These programmes have benefited more than 13,100 Rakyat in Terengganu thus far.
The implementation of the human capital development programmes will also ensure that the Rakyat have the skills and capacity to seize the growing jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities generated by private investors in Terengganu. Up until 2017, Terengganu has received private investments worth RM33.7 billion, creating more than 41,000 jobs and 7,500 entrepreneurial opportunities for the Rakyat.