// 21 Nov 2007
Two large-scale Australian chicken producers are keeping a watchful eye on the East Coast
Economic Region (ECER), Malaysia, as a potential poultry centre.
According to chief economist Dr Yeah Kim Leng, Australian investors have noted the region’s
potential and are busy collecting information on the viability and cost effectiveness of chicken
farming in the area, comprising Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang and Mersing (Johor).
He added that the region may offer great opportunity for them as the Government is promoting
integrated chicken farming and targeting to boost chicken production in the region by 35% by
2010. “Investment within ECER makes sense due to the relatively cheap cost of land and labour
compared with the West Coast where land is becoming expensive due to rapid industrialisation
and development,” he said.
Leng went on to say that the government needs to attract the private sector to get involved
and secure new players for chicken farming.
Wednesday November 21, 2007
MYT 4:09:07 PM
Australia interested in chicken farming in ECER
KOTA BARU: Two large-scale chicken producers from Australia are looking at the
East Coast Economic Region (ECER) as a potential poultry centre, says RAM Holding Berhad in a statement released through the ECER secretariat on Wednesday.
Chief economist at RAM’s research unit Dr Yeah Kim Leng said the Australian
investors are encouraged by the region’s potential and they are now gathering
information on the viability and the cost effectiveness of doing chicken farming in the
region which comprises Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang and Mersing (Johor).
He said the ECER holds vast potential for them as the Government is promoting
integrated chicken farming and targeting to boost chicken production in the region by
35% by 2010.
“Investment within ECER makes sense due to the relatively cheap cost of land and
labour compared with the west coast where land is becoming expensive due to rapid
industrialisation and development, said Yeah.
Describing the move to raise chicken production as timely, Yeah said he believes the
increase by 35% can be attained through ECER.
“The Government needs to attract the private sector to get involved and secure new
players for chicken farming. As such, these potential Australian investors should be
encouraged to gather information the ECER’s investment possibilities,” he said.