2/23/2010 — Internal release

The following is the list of contracts awarded by the East Coast Economic Region Development Council for the period November 2009 to January 2010.

Nov 2009 – Jan 2010
Company Works Description  Amount (RM) Contract Period
1 Berkat Bumimas Sdn Bhd The Replanting Works of Oil Palm Plantation (Phase 1) for South Kelantan Agropolitan (SKA) at RKT Rantau Manis, Gua Musang, Kelantan 7,094,005.30 14 Months
2 Innopace (M) Sdn Bhd The Rehabilition Works of Oil Palm Plantation (Phase 1) for South Kelantan Agropolitan (SKA) at RKT Renok Baru, Jeram Tekoh and Sungan Asap, Gua Musang, Kelantan 2,899,940.00 6 Months
3 Perunding BMSS Sdn Bhd The Appointment of a Principal Consultant for the Development of a Master Plan and The Detail Design for the Rompin Integrated Pineapple Plantation in the District of Rompin, Pahang 1,552,500.00 30 Months
4 DPZ Asia Sdn Bhd The Appointment of a Principal Consultant for the Development of an Integrated Master Plan for Kuala Terengganu City Centre (KTCC) 7,362,534.60 6 Months
5 Agamekar Sdn Bhd The construction of Water Treatment Plant and Ancillary Works to Facilitate for the development of residential units including mixed farming plots, public amenities and infrastructure facilities for SKA at Rantau Manis, Gua Musang, Kelantan 8,642,875.90 10 Months
6 Malaysian Industry-Government Group For High Technology Principal Consultancy Services to carry out Business Strategy, Marketing and Implementation Plan for the Development of the Heavy Industry and Development of Boat Building & Repair Industry in the East Coast Economic Region 3,635,000.00 10 Months
7 HSS Integrated Sdn Bhd The Appointment of a Principal Consultant for the feasibility study for the proposed East Coast Rail Route 9,696,726.00 12 Months
8 PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services The Appointment of Consultancy Services for the East Coast Economic Region Development Council Investment Mission to the Middle East 1,010,500.00 10 Months
9 Alaf Nikmat Sdn Bhd The proposed construction & completion of one (1) unit Sheep Shelter on plot kawasan 8A at RPS Runchang, Mukim Bebar for the Pekan Agropolitan Project (PAP), Pekan Pahang 323,951.50 42 days
10 PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services Principal Consultant Services to carry Out Business Strategy, Marketing and Implementation Plan for the Development of Free Zones in the East Coast Economic Region (ECER) 4,700,000.00 6 Months
11 Minconsult Sdn Bhd The Appointment of Principal Consultant  for the Coastal Protection Works at Teluk Lipat, Dungun,Terengganu 4,097,394.45 42 Months
12 Zaidun Leeng Sdn Bhd The Appointment of Principal Consultant for the Design and Supervision For Upgrading of the Existing Access Road From Kg Kahang to Endau Rompin National Park, Johor 3,564,000.00 52 Months
13 International Tropical Fruits Network Principal Consultancy Services to carry out Business Strategy, Marketing and Implementation Plan for the establishment of ‘Taman Kekal Pengeluaran Makanan’ (TKPM) in the East Coast Economic Region 1,404,000.00 7 Months
14 RSM Strategic Business Advisors Sdn Bhd Principal Consultancy Services to Carry Out Business Strategy, Marketing and Implementation Plan for the Development of the Handicraft Cluster in the East Coast Economic Region 3,682,290.00 5 Months