New ECER special package of incentives introduced

1/19/2010 — ECERDC

The ECER is envisioned as a pro-business and investment friendly destination, with attractive incentives which will allow investors the opportunity to grow and reap returns from their prospects and initiatives.
The incentives introduced for the region places it in good standing to become one of Malaysia’s most attractive investment destinations.
In addition to the current package of incentives, the Government has approved new fiscal incentives for specific activity and identified locations under the ECER Master Plan. Coupled with the new and improved transportation networks, the region is set to experience a boost in its domestic and foreign direct investment.
To be eligible for the special ECER package of incentives, projects have to be duly approved by the ECER Development Council.
To download the various ECER special package of incentives, kindly right click on the link below and choose “Save Link/Target As”.