East Coast Economic Region Development Council Act 2008 [Act 688]

The East Coast Economic Region Development Council Act 2008 [Act 688] was gazetted on 25 February 2008.

Subsequently, the East Coast Economic Region Development Council (ECERDC) was established as a Federal Statutory Body under Act 688 on 13 June 2008 with the ultimate objective to ensure balanced regional development in the ECER, thereby uplifting the quality of life of the people in the Region.

ECERDC is the lead government agency mandated to set the directions, policies and strategies for the socio-economic development of the ECER. Besides promoting and facilitating investments into the region, ECERDC is also tasked with implementing various strategic projects and inclusive human capital development programmes whilst ensuring that the ECER’s natural and environmental assets are protected and conserved.

Click the link below to download the East Coast Economic Region Development Council Act 2008 [Act 688].